About ForumBIE 2030

Over the course of 2017, the Education Relief Foundation (ERF) organised a series of high-level regional consultation meetings for Balanced and Inclusive Education (BIE) in Sub-Saharan Africa, South East Asia, Latin America and Europe. These regional consultations were designed to present the principles of BIE, share best practices and collate the recommendations articulated by the stakeholders. Participants included delegates from Ministries of Education, UNESCO Regional Offices, Academic Institutions and Non-Governmental Organisations.
Upon completion of its 2017 series of regional consultation meetings, ERF hosted, on December 2017, the First ForumBIE 2030 at the United Nations in Geneva (UNOG) to present the collated recommendations of these meetings to the participating ambassadors, policymakers, partners, development research institutions and civil society organisations. Over 85 delegates, including representatives of the International Bureau of Education (IBE-UNESCO), endorsed the need for the development of a Global Guide of Ethics, Principles, Policies and Practices in Balanced and Inclusive based upon the collated regional recommendations.
On 20 – 22 November 2018, in cooperation with the Federal Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) of the United Mexican States, ERF convened the II ForumBIE 2030 in Mexico City. In less than a year following the I ForumBIE 2030, the first edition of the Global Guide was launched in the presence of over 90 high-level, multi-sectoral delegates. On 22 November 2018, the II ForumBIE 2030 concluded with the signing of the International Call for Balanced and Inclusive Education (ICBIE), the expression of a collective aspiration for Balanced and Inclusive Education for all. Counting over 41 signatories – constituting some 671 Ministries of Education, Academic Bodies, and Civil Society Organisations from 110 countries – the Call to Action of the ICBIE mandated the Education Relief Foundation (ERF) with the preparation of a formal draft of a Universal Declaration for Balanced and Inclusive Education, through a series of consultation meetings with the signatories and other relevant international, national, and local stakeholders.
Accordingly, ERF is now convening, jointly with the Republic of Djibouti, the III ForumBIE 2030 on 27, 28, and 29 January 2020 in Djibouti City. This third ForumBIE 2030, with the overall aim to develop strategies for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) on inclusive and equitable quality education, will conclude with the signing of the Universal Declaration on Balanced and Inclusive Education and will be the opportunity for international stakeholders to share experiences, best practices, and develop efficient collaborations in Balanced and Inclusive Education. The Universal Declaration, materialising the vision of the International Call for Balanced and Inclusive Education, will operationalise a framework for the building of multilateral partnerships in Balanced and Inclusive Education as well as provide conceptual, technical, and financial instruments to achieve the collective vision of Balanced and Inclusive Education for all.
For more information about the International Call: https://forumbie2030.org/portal/index.php/en/international-call
For more information about the Global Guide: https://forumbie2030.org/portal/index.php/en/globalguide